Sarah Bernhardt – Alphonse Mucha Greeting Card
This theatrical poster captures the essence of Sarah Bernhardt’s portrayal of Mélissinde in Edmon Rostand’s renowned play, La Princesse Lointaine. Departing from his customary full-length depictions, Alphonse Mucha’s focus is on the elegance and allure of Bernhardt’s captivating presence while wearing a tiara of lilies. Originally created for a grand banquet held in honor of Bernhardt at the prestigious Grand Hotel in Paris, this poster quickly gained immense popularity. It graced the pages of La Plume magazine and even became a coveted postcard for the esteemed department store, La Belle Jardinière. See this image as an art print!
Mucha (1860-1939) was a visionary artist whose artistry and creativity shaped the Art Nouveau movement! Born in 1860 in Moravia, now the Czech Republic, Mucha’s artistic journey took him from a struggling artist to an internationally renowned master of his craft. With his distinctive style characterized by intricate patterns, flowing lines, and ethereal female figures, Mucha’s art played a significant role in shaping the visual aesthetics of the late-19th and early-20th centuries.
This product was custom designed and created at our location in Seattle.
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